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Wendy McBride

“Though I spent many hours as a child with a paint brush in my hand, I didn’t take art seriously until my youngest child began school. It was then I decided to go back to university and complete a mixed degree in art and literature. Since then painting has taken over.

“For much of my life I have lived in the West Country among the weather and shifting seasons. Nothing is fixed here, not for a day, not for an hour. But somehow, particular encounters with the natural world get stuck in my mind, and I think this is where the pictures begin.

“Back in the studio, the memory gets mixed up with mood and imagination and the scrape of chalk on board, so that I never quite know what will happen while the picture takes shape.

“I use pastels both for their translucent qualities, and because I like to work quickly. Degas was an early love, and Turner. Joan Eardley is a constant inspiration, as is Barbara Rae.”

Winter Exhibition 2023/24

2023  - White Space Art

20|20: Twenty Years, Twenty Artists

2023  - White Space Art

Summer 2022

2022  - White Space Art

Little Picture Show 2021

2021  - White Space Art


2021  - White Space Art

Little Picture Show 2020

2020  - White Space Art

Easter exhibition

2020  - White Space Art

Summer 2019

2019  - White Space Art

The Little Picture Show

2018  - White Space Art


2018  - White Space Art

Winter 2017

2017  - White Space Art

Winter Exhibition 2016

2016  - White Space Art